Hi There! Welcome to Metadiapason Customer Care!

The performance starts

Saturday 20th of March 2021
h. 10.00 – 18.00 CET
(14.00 – 22.00 Pakistan time)

Lahore Digital Arts Festival

in collaboration with

produced by

‘Customer Care’ is an interactive music performance part of a broader investigation on the everyday life actions, considered liturgies of the modern human beings. Proposing an effect of immersion, estrangement and identification, the aim of the performance is generating different artistic processes involving the public with sounds, images and gestures belonging to the modern rituals.
‘Customer Care’ pushes interactive arts practices over the edge through the representation of the common experience with a telephone operator, intrusive for the users and dehumanising for the workers, represented in the performance by the interplay of the public and the performers in a shift of 8 hours

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